legal part
our internet-site, we want to give you informations about our offer.
The legislator set up some rules for it, that we want to obey below.
Responsible in
the sense of the press-right in accordance with § 6 TDG/ §
10 MDStV:
GFM Gesellschaft für Microdatentechnik mbH
Authorized manager to represent:
Dipl.-Inform. Volker Siebrands
Heikendorfer Weg 35
24235 Laboe
E-Mail: info@gfm-printer.de
Telephone: +49 (0)4343 / 42 99 03
Fax: +49 (0)4343 / 42 99 05
Internet: www.gfm-printer.de
Register court: Amtsgericht Plön
Register number: HR 1834
Sales tax identification number § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
DE 171592122
Tax number: 19.291.08029
1. Content of the online-offer
The author is not responsible for the topicality, correctness, wholeness
or quality of the prepared information. Liability-claims towards
the author, which refer to damages of material or ideally kind,
that are caused by the utilization of faulty and incomplete information
respectively by the utilization or not-utilization of the excluded
information, are excludes in principle, provided no demonstrably
willful or roughly negligent fault has been submitted by the author.
All offers are subject to change and not binding. The author keeps
it expressly to himself, to change parts of the sides or the entire
offer without separate announcement, to supplement, to delete or
to discontinue the publication at times or finally.
2. References
and links
With direct or indirect references to third parties internet-sides
("links") that lie outside the area of responsibility
of the author, a liability-obligation would only take effect, if
the author has knowledge of the contents and it would be technically
possible and reasonable for him to prevent the utilization in the
case of illegal contents.
The author therefore explains specifically that the corresponding
third party sides were free from illegal contents at the time of
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creation and upon the contents of the third party/ joined sides.
Therefore, he dissociates himself hereby specifically from all contents
of all third party / joined sides, that were changed after the linking.
This comment is valid for all links within the own internet-offer
and references as well as for foreign-entries in visitors' books
arranged by the author, discussion-forums and mailinglists. For
illegal, faulty or incomplete contents and especially for damages,
that are created by the utilization or not-utilization of the offered
information, only the supplier of the side, on which was referred,
is liable, not the one, that merely refers to it by linking at the
suspicious publication .
3. Copy-
and trademark rights
The author is striving to heed the copyrights of the used graphics
and texts in all publications, to use self-produced graphics, pictures
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All named and respectively proprietary trademarks and brands of
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rights protected!
The pictures applied on this web-presence were checked carefully
for their harmlessness and toward the copyrights. Should you nevertheless
feel hurt in your rights, you please give us notice through the
e-mail-address above. We will remove the corresponding picture instantaneously.
The copyright for published, from the author himself produced objects
remains alone with the author of the sides. A duplication or application
of such graphics, pictures and texts in other electronic or printed
publications is prohibitted without express approval of the author.
4. Data
In the case of the possibility to input personal or commercial data
(e-mail-addresses, names, addresses, telephone numbers) within the
internet-offer, the input of these data is made on a strictly voluntary
basis on the part of the user.
5. Valid-ness
of this liability-exclusion
This liability-exclusion is to be viewed as part of the internet-offer,
from which it was referred to. Provided parts or single formulations
of this text should contradict of the current legal status in whole
or partly, the remaining parts of the disclaimer remains untouched
in its contents and its validity.
and development: YoTu