Following we have once again prepared all available data sheets
of our printers/accessories for you. To open them you need the Adobe
Acrobat Reader (double-click to view or right mouse-button/ "Save
as"). The files will be provided in english language very soon.
19" Panel printers:
- Series 21-TE
- Series 21-TA
- Series 500
- Series 300
- Series 101
Compact Panel printers:
Series 400
- Series 401
- Series 200
Switchboard journal printer:
- Series 144
Kiosk printer:
- C-56
Desktop journal printers:
- SP-2400
- DPU-414
- PS-180
- Power supply PS-DC0936
- Power supply RS-25
- ST-100-controller
- PS-180 Desktop journal printer
Note: Please use the standard Windows
driver ("Text only") for the operation of our printers
which is already contained in your Windows installation.